My Newfound Love for Podcasts
A couple of months ago, a friend of mine mentioned making an App for the discovery of Podcasts. I knew the concept of podcasts, but I argued that these weren't for the Indian audiences, the foremost reason being people would need to specially allocate time for listening to the podcasts. Who's got the time?
Nevertheless, I wanted to try it out for once. So, I proceeded with downloading a Podcast app for my phone.
So, what are Podcasts?
Consequently, I dove into the stream of Podcasts. I subscribed to a large number of Podcasts, many of which I didn't like on listening to them. I am not really built for listening to a random man, musing about the latest android phones, where instead I could do a google search and find the same. Gradually, I came across a Podcast called Serial. At the outset, it looked like a news podcast, with a twist about a murder mystery. Boy, was I ill prepared about what I would encounter. Mixed with great sound editing, and some awesome background music, it hooked me to the core. This podcast is hailed as a grail in the Podcast community.
Next came the TED Radio Hour, with some of it's episodes being Disruptive Leadership, and Simply Happy. These are awesome podcasts, but if you've visited the embedded links, you'd know they're almost an hour long. Who's got the time? You would only listen to them if you've got an hour long commute to your workplace.
I, being a reader, would always like some dose of drama into whatever I listen to. Who would want to watch an audio documentary, right?
I was looking for a quick fix for satisfying my "needs". I stumbled upon an awesome podcast which could do just that.
I found The Truth.
The Truth is a storytelling podcast, with some great voice acting, sound mixing and editing.
This podcast releases an episode every two weeks. I can't possibly try to describe these in words, which I would recommend be heard by your own years before judging it. Each podcast shows up with a new story made for you to think.
My favourites (till date) are
Living the Dream
Enjoy the Suffering
I'd be giving away too much if I described these both episodes. Also, as you can see, they're just 15 minutes long. So I recommend you snuggle up in a soft blanket, put on your earphones (highly recommended), and be prepared to enjoy to the fullest. I recommend listening to both of the episodes.
Tell me what you think of both!
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